Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Geni in One Minute

The prodigal blogger returns

I started this blog about a year ago and then forgot about it. So I think I'll dust it off and try it on again. I do like the title, and it might be a good place to try to cobble together some of the bits and pieces of my very varied life, just like the classic bricoleur.

I'm keeping a much more practical blog related to my classes in media literacy and social media, called Media Literacies of the 21st Century, so I'll focus this one more on who I am as a while person, not just in my professional role as a media studies professor.

For the past two years, and most intensely for the past six months, I've been spending much of my time and energy involved in a project that is both personal and academic--it pulls together all of my interests in a deeply satisfying way. I'm a curator on Geni.com, which is a unique hybrid of a genealogical database and social media site, resulting in a site that encourages, and provides the technological tools for, collaborative family history building on a grand scale. I'll talk much more about this as we go along.

I'll post a cute and clever little promo video for Geni called "Geni in One Minute"....